Wishlist King Integration

This integration allows your customers to add products from Searchanise Upsell & Marketing widgets to their wishlists.

Installing Wishlist King app

Install Wishlist King app from Shopify App Store and activate its work in your store:

  1. Click Open Theme Editor
  2. Activate four embeds: the App Settings (make sure to select a theme), Collection Buttons, Floating Wishlist Link, Wishlist Page and click Save

App embeds

  1. Go to the Editor’s sidebar and click Sections > Add Block > Wishlist button. You can customize its design when you click on it and its position with the hand cursor when you press to the button’s right.

Searchanise and Wishlist King Integration

  1. Save the changes.

Setting up the integration

Open Searchanise Upsell & Marketing > Integrations > Open Settings and switch on the toggle from Inactive to Active.

Wishlist King Integration


You can adjust the settings of the wishlist icon:

  • icon position (top or bottom, left or right)
  • icon padding
  • icon color (enter RGBA value or use the color-picker)

A pop-up “Unsaved changes” will appear at the top of the page: you can Save or Discard the changes.


Updated on March 24, 2025

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