Adding to allowlist or safe sender list

Sometimes you can notice that you’re not receiving emails from This could happen if an email is sent to a spam or junk folder or the email address is blocked. If you face such an issue, here you can find simple ways to solve it:

  1. To help keep important email messages out of your email spam folder, you can add the sender’s email address to your Contacts.
  2. If the desired email message is already in your spam folder, you can use an option to train the spam filter not to send those messages to your spam folder.
  3. If you’re still not receiving emails from a specific sender, you may want to check your email blocked sender list.

Add an address to your Contacts

When you add to your Contacts, it tells an Email service provider you want to receive an email from us. This method does not guarantee messages won’t be sent to Spam, but it’s an easy way to make the email more likely to arrive in your inbox. For a more reliable method, you can create a filter.


  • In your email service provider, go to Contacts
  • Select Create contact
  • Enter the contact’s information, including the email address
  • Save

Filters provide a lot of valuable ways to manage your email, and one of those ways is to set a rule to prevent email from from going to your Spam folder. Filters are closest to a “safe sender” or “allowlist.” Check out the filter settings for your Email service provider, following the Allowlist guide from the list attached at the end of this article.

Mark an email as Not Spam

If an email message arrives in your spam folder, you can remove it from Spam and enforce an Email service provider sending emails to your inbox as you do want to receive that type of email in the future.


  • In your email service provider, navigate to the Spam folder
  • Search for emails containing the domain or address you wish to allowlist
  • Select all the emails shown
  • Mark them as Not Spam

Check blocked senders and safe senders list

If messages keep ending up in your Spam folder from, you may have accidentally added that sender to your blocked senders. You can check the safe sender list to make sure it’s correct. Check out the safe sender list settings for your Email service provider, following the Allowlist guide from the list attached at the end of this article.

Allowlist guides for your provider

Haven’t found your provider? Check out the whole list in Allowlist Guide. Email allowlist and safe sender guide

Updated on November 7, 2023

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