Using JQuery in Searchanise on WooCommerce Searchanise comes complete with its own jQuery library that loads up it in its widgets by default. However, WordPress itself also has jQuery...
Some products aren’t showing in search results, but they are in my WooCommerce store. Why? By default, Searchanise widgets display products with the Catalog visibility setting set as “Shop and Search results”, “Search results only”, or...
Why are relevant search results not showing on WooCommerce? It can occur in these cases: The default sorting of the Search Results Widget differs from Relevance. You can check...
The search results page is showing data from my WooCommerce test store It can occur if you’ve made a copy of your WooCommerce store that used our plugin. As a result, there...
Reindexing is stuck in my WooCommerce store To resolve the issue of reindexing being stuck, follow the steps below: Open the configuration file <plugin’s folder/init.php. Adjust the...