We hope that you’ll never need to use this article. But if you do, here are the instructions on how to cancel your Searchanise subscription and delete the Searchanise app.
If you have decided to stop using the app, you need only delete it from Wix, and your subscription will be canceled automatically.
If you want to stop the subscription for a while or change the annual subscription to the monthly one, you need to cancel the subscription.
Canceling the subscription
To cancel the app subscription on Wix, follow these steps:
- Go to the Searchanise control panel: Wix admin panel > Apps > Searchanise. Note
The app cannot be modified via Wix editor yet.
- Click the View all plans icon to go to the subscription information.
- Click the Cancel subscription link.
That’s it. Your subscription is suspended.
Deleting the app
To delete the app, follow these steps: