Indexation via cron on WooCommerce

By default, Searchanise tracks your store’s catalog changes and indexes them automatically, But you can also run a cron job to do a full re-index. To do so, follow these steps:

  1. Go to:
    • Settings > Searchanise (for plugin version 1.0.11 or earlier), or
    • WooCommerce > Settings > Searchanise (for version 1.0.12 or later).
  2. In the Sync catalog setting, select Periodically via cron.
  3. Use the Cron resync interval option to set the desired time interval.
  4. Click Save changes.

WP Cron behavior in the Searchanise plugin

  • When you activate the plugin, WP Cron events are automatically created. Even if the Sync catalog setting is set to another value, cron events still trigger regularly. However, they won’t perform actions unless the sync process is enabled.
  • By default, the cron job runs daily, meaning catalog indexation is scheduled every 24 hours from when the plugin is activated.

  • If you select a different interval, such as hourly, the already scheduled event won’t be updated when the settings are saved. To apply the new interval:
      1. Deactivate the plugin.
      2. Activate it again.


    In future updates, we plan to improve this functionality so that the cron job is automatically rescheduled when saving the settings.



Updated on February 24, 2025

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