Advanced filters with Shoppad Infinite Options Integration


The Infinite Options app by ShopPad allows you to add an unlimited number of product options to your products and adjust how your customers will select the product options: dropdown menus, image swatches, text, number inputs, checkboxes, calendars, radio buttons, and much more.

When the integration Searchanise with Infinite Options is enabled, custom options by Infinite Options are used in Searchanise to filter and search by them.

Searchanise supports the following option types by Infinite Options:

  • Сheckboxes
  • Dropdown menus
  • Radio buttons


Important info

Make sure that you have installed both Searchanise Search & Filter and Infinite Options apps before starting the integration.

To integrate our app with the Infinite Options app, follow these steps:

  1. Go to Searchanise Search & Filter control panel > Integrations section.
  2. Set the toggle for Shoppad Infinite Options to on
  3. Apply the changes.

    Advanced filters with Shoppad Infinite Options Integration

  4. Click the link in the notice at the top or the Force re-indexation button on the left-hand side. The indexation takes more time than usual with Infinite Options integration enabled.
Important info

You should start the indexation after editing custom option sets in the Infinite Options app. Wait about 5 minutes after the changes are saved, go to the Searchanise Search & Filter control panel, and click the Force re-indexation button.

After the indexation is complete, you will see the filters by Infinite Options custom option sets in the Search Results Widget, and your customers will be able to search by Infinite Options custom option sets.

Advanced filters with Shoppad Infinite Options Integration
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Updated on November 3, 2023

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