CS-Cart 4.12.1: Full re-indexation stuck After upgrading to CS-Cart 4.12.1, the indexation process may get stuck with the Full re-indexation queued status. As a solution, you can...
CS-Cart 4.3.2: Store Freezes During Search Open the app/functions/fn.catalog.php file in the root directory of your CS-Cart installation. Find this line: if (!empty($params['force_get_by_ids']) && empty($params['pid']) && empty($params['product_id'])) {...
CS-Cart 4.3.1: Full-Text Search Always Shows 0 Results Open the app/addons/searchanise/func.php file. Find this line: $query_by['product_code'] = trim($params['pcode']); and replace it with: if (empty($params['pcode_from_q'])) { $query_by['product_code'] = trim($params['pcode']); }
Some products aren’t showing in search results, but they are in my CS-Cart store. Why? By default, Searchanise widgets display products with the Active status set in the CS-Cart configuration. If you don’t see the products...
Why are relevant search results not showing on CS-Cart? It can occur in these cases: You’ve set up merchandising rules, so the promoted products are displayed at first. You...
The search results page is showing data from my CS-Cart test store It can occur if you’ve made a copy of your CS-Cart store that used our add-on. As a result, there...
Reindexing is stuck on CS-Cart To resolve the issue of reindexing being stuck, follow the steps below: Open the configuration file <add-on’s folder>/func.php. Adjust the...