Wix Website Requirements

To make your Wix store function and fully utilize Searhcanise features, you must follow some steps.

Firstly, connect your domain to Wix. You have several options:

  • purchase a domain directly from Wix (read more)
  • obtain a domain from another host and then connect it to Wix:
  1. Contact your domain registrar (locate it at whois.com)
  2. Connect the domains either via name servers (as recommended by Wix) or pointing (read more)
  • transfer your existing domain to Wix (read more)
  • use a free domain voucher provided with a Wix Premium Plan (read more)

All these options require a Wix Premium Plan.

Secondly, publish your website (read more). You can exclude it from the Google search results if you’re not ready (read more), but it still needs to be published.

Updated on April 15, 2024

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