Free Shipping Bar: Set-up

A Free Shipping Bar is a full-width banner that sticks to the top or bottom of your Shopify page and informs visitors that a free shipping offer is available if they reach a certain order amount. The banner displays progressive messages relevant to the visitor’s shopping cart value, which the built-in cart calculator automatically computes. When a certain order amount is achieved, the visitor will see a notification that a free shipping offer is available.

Example of a Free Shipping Bar:

Free Shipping Bar: Set-up

Creating a free shipping coupon

Before setting up a Free Shipping Bar, you need to create a free shipping discount:

FSB create coupon


If the customer reaches the shipping goal, the free shipping coupon will remain in the customer’s cart even if you deactivate or delete the bar.

Activation in the Theme Editor

You can activate the Free Shipping Bar by clicking the button at the upper right. The app will display a bar in your Online Store if it has a visible status.

Free shipping bar Activate app

After you hit Activate app, the app redirects you to the theme editor’s App embeds tab. To activate the app, switch the toggle on and save the changes.

Free Shipping Bar: Set-up

To deactivate the app, follow the steps above and switch the app embed off.

Creating a Free Shipping Bar

You can easily add a Free Shipping Bar to your Shopify store. To create a bar, follow these steps:

  1. From your Shopify admin, go to the Searchanise Upsell & Marketing admin.
  2. Open the Free Shipping Bar app.
  3. Click Create Bar.

A new bar is added to the top of the bar list.


By default, the status of a new bar is set as hidden. You can activate its display by clicking on the status name, which switches its value to visible. A dialog box will ask you to confirm the action.

You can also clone an existing bar by clicking on the duplicate icon in the Action column of the bar list. The bar you cloned is added to the list and contains the same title as the original bar plus the clone mark.

To find an existing bar, enter its title in the Search and Filter box provided at the top of the bar list.

Free shipping bar

Configuring a bar

When you’ve created a bar, you can configure it from the Edit Bar page. You can access this page by clicking on the pencil icon in the Action column of the bar list.

Here, you can configure the bar display, including its design, content, display rules, and targeting settings:

  • General: Configure the display content of your special offer
  • Design: Change the design template to fit the style of your store
  • Display Rules: Set up the display rules of your special offer
  • Targeting: Restrict the bar display based on different locations

After you’ve made changes to the settings, a pop-up notification will appear at the top of the page reminding you to save them: “Unsaved changes”. You can then Save or Discard them.

Bar content

From the General tab, you can configure your shipping offer content and conditions to be displayed on the bar:

  1. Set the Bar status to manage its visibility in your Shopify store.
  2. Specify the Bar title, which is only visible to you for your guidance. The Bar title is hidden from your store visitors. By default, the bar you create has an auto-generated title consisting of a set of letters and numbers.
  3. Edit the message texts of the free shipping banner. By default, message fields contain placeholder values. The keyword #amount# is used to link the Free shipping goal rate to the message texts, so it should stay unchanged. It’s up to you to create content for your:
    • Initial message: Displayed when the cart is empty
    • Progress message: Displayed when the cart value is less than the goal
    • Goal achieved message: Displayed when the cart value is greater than or equal to the goal
  4. To fit your Shopify store brand, set up the Font family and Font size of the message texts. Select text and apply settings from the WYSIWYG editor.
  5. After you’ve created the content, set up the Free shipping goal rate to match your store’s shipping rate settings (see the Before you start section of this article). The goal rate for the free shipping offer is based on the total order amount.
  6. If you want to add another shipping rate, you can enable a secondary goal.
  7. Select the Currency that appears in the bar message from the drop-down list of world currencies.

Free shipping bar General tab

If you’re using the native multi-currencies feature in your Shopify, you can quickly adapt the Bar message to your store currencies by enabling the Auto Currency Conversion. The message will update when a visitor selects a different currency from Shopify’s currency selector.


Before activating Auto Currency Conversion, edit your Shopify Payments settings to enable selling in multiple currencies.

Design template

From the Design tab, you can select one of the ready-made design templates for the banner background image, set your own color of the default bar, and pick its background and text colors to match your store’s brand.

Moreover, you can adjust the height of the bar if you want to make it larger.

You can customize the colors of the following bar elements:

  • Background color (for default template only)
  • Text color
  • Special text color

For a more attractive look, you can also select the bar display position on your Shopify store page from the following options:

  • Top relative: The bar sits at the top of your site and fades into and out of view as the site page scrolls
  • Top fixed position: The bar is always displayed at the top of your site
  • Bottom relative: The bar sits at the bottom of your site and fades into and out of view as the site page scrolls
  • Bottom fixed position: The bar is always displayed at the bottom of your site

Free shipping bar Design tab


You can preview the Free Shipping Bar design template to see how it appears to your customers. Click Preview at the upper right.

Bar display

From the Display Rules settings tab, you can control the bar visibility based on a custom condition. Here, you can decide how and when to display the shipping offer notification in your Shopify store:

  • Select the visitor target device to display bar on: mobile and/or desktop
  • Restrict availability of your special shipping offer for some Shopify store pages
Display the bar on Do NOT display the bar on
All pages
Home page
Product page
Search results page
Cart page
Custom link (add any page link of your store)
Keywords (add any keyword from the store page URL)
Home page
Product page
Search results page
Cart page
Custom link (add any page link of your store)
Keywords (add any keyword from the store page URL)
  • Select the display time option: permanent or custom

If you want to show the banner according to a particular schedule, follow these steps:

  1. Select the custom value in the Display time selector.
  2. Set up your schedule using the Start and end display time options for banner display.
  3. Optional: apply User timezone detection by user IP address or select a time zone for a specific plan from the drop-down list.

Free shipping bar Display rules

Targeting filters

If you want to restrict the display of the bar to your visitors in different countries, you can add locations where the banner can be displayed or exclude them based on the IP address of the visitor:

  • Location where the Free Shipping Bar is displayed
    1. Click Add new Location.
    2. Start entering a location and then select one of the options suggested.
  • Location where the Free Shipping Bar is not displayed
    1. Click Add new Location.
    2. Start entering a location and then select one of the options suggested.

If you want to remove the location, hit the delete icon. A dialog box will ask you to confirm the deletion.

Deleting a bar

If you want to delete a bar, click on the delete icon in the Action column of the bar list.

Updated on July 8, 2024

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