Real-time sync on Shopify

In order for our app to show relevant and up-to-date information in your store, Searchanise Search & Filter indexes the following pages:

  • products
  • categories (collections)
  • orders (to show bestselling product if needed)
  • articles (pages)
  • blog posts

70% of your store products are synced every 2 minutes with the help of webhooks. The remaining products are synced every 10 minutes via Shopify API.

Important info

The changes in collections, orders, articles, and blog posts are not tracked automatically. You need to force re-indexation to sync the changes with the Searchanise app. There is a way to set up automatic re-indexation by schedule.


Please note that any changes in collections (moving products between collections, changing product order inside collections, enabling filters on collections, and so on) also require clicking the Force re-indexation button.

You may need to reindex your data after:

  • importing products and product reviews
  • changing currency formatting and location settings
  • restoring the search results page if you accidentally removed it
Important info

The indexation does not affect your website performance. Our search widgets also keep smooth functionality during the indexation.

Updated on January 8, 2024

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